The abundance of monarchs in the installation reminded me of how many have been lost due to our devastating impact on climate change and the loss of habitat. Thanks for bringing us this awareness and reminding us that there are positive steps we can take to ensure that these beautiful creatures are here for future…
Category: Uncategorized
Felt Like a Monarch

I did not know what to expect when I climbed to the top of the steps. What I did not expect was to feel like a Monarch Butterfly Queen. I did not expect to feel like royalty. Yet that is exactly how I felt when a crown of Monarchs was placed upon my head and through…
Butterflies and Immigrants Make America

My first thought as I walked up the stairs, lined with your beautiful monarchs was: this must be what Los Angeles once looked like when milkweed was abundant and swarms of Monarchs stopped to rest on their migration. I loved being adorned with butterflies for the photograph and seeing others transformed into butterfly art. I…
Thank you, Monarch

Thank you, Monarch, for being a beautiful example. An example of how fully connected life is – all countries, all animals and plants, all organisms, all ecological systems. How quickly one little action can affect the world – one butterfly, one human, one oil well, one virus. Our actions count. Growing one native milkweed plant,…
Renew and Continue

Thank you, Olivia, for your energy, and most importantly for the awareness you bring to consider the relationships of migration, immigration, human rights, and Monarch survival. Having visited Mexico’s Monarch Sanctuary back in the late ’70s I’ve always harbored a warm feeling for these delicate creatures. The fact that these winged travelers can also deliver vital insights…
I love them…

When I think of the beautiful dark summers of my childhood, I think of pine trees surrounding smalls fields of hay, populated by clumps of milkweed and visiting monarchs. It wasn’t summer until the monarchs arrived from their winter home 3,000 miles away. when I was small, I loved them for their beauty, when I…
Childhood Memory

The Monarch installation reminded me of being a child and the joy I would feel when a butterfly landed on me.
Time Machine

The Monarch installation is a time machine. For a brief moment, I was transported to the winter of 1980 on the coast of California when over 4.5 million monarchs overwintered. This joy was felt simultaneously with the crippling loss of more than 99% of that historic population (Xerces Society, 2019). For me, The Monarch installation…
I Find Inspiration…

Experiencing The Monarch in Silver Lake made me reflect on the fragility and delicate nature of our culture, society, and environment. Just as the artwork and butterflies themselves are fragile, so is the ecological balance we all exist in. So are individual human social relationships and the larger networks of cultural alliances and relationships among…
Magic Places

It was privilege to be part of this Wonderful, cultural and Urban Monarch 2020 Project. I am very please you invited me to this very unique event. For sure they are very magic secret places in Los Angeles. I didn’t expected to live this close to the marvelous place. Silver Lake Stairs. For sure you selected…