Climate change, human rights and immigration are heavy topics to talk to about, but what is so beautiful about art is in they way humans create to express a feeling through different mediums to unify, connect and share with the world. Art makes a big impact when it’s expressed in a way people can understand, not usually through logic but through the heart and feeling. Art can breakdown our barriers of judgment and bring people together in a symbolic way. When humans experiences a piece of art that they connected to, it’s something they never forget. To me the Monarch installation represents humanity and nature living and existing together as one. Butterfly’s are the most favorited insect for the delicately, beauty, color and metamorphosis. Mexico has the largest colony of Monarchs that is absolutely breathtaking, and very critical to preserve. Monarchs travel north of Mexico at certain seasons, as they make the journey up so do humans in search of a better life. Symbolically monarchs have no borders where as humans do. We should all be able to go, live and exist as we want, as nature allows. What I loved about this project too was seeing the way being surrounded by the monarchs made people having their portrait taken feel. To me I witnessed grace, joy, contentment and excitement all of which the monarch butterfly emulates as they move through the world. I hope we can all continue to carry and feel these things in our lives, and consciously be aware and care about our environment and all the creatures living in it, and what more profound way to do that then with art.